Transition to Retirement: How Superannuation Can Help

Transition to Retirement How Superannuation Can Help

Transitioning to retirement is a significant life phase that requires careful financial planning. Superannuation plays a crucial role in this transition, offering a variety of strategies to ensure a smooth and financially secure shift from full-time work to retirement.

Understanding Transition to Retirement (TTR)

A Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy allows individuals to access their superannuation benefits while still working. This approach is designed to provide financial flexibility during the transition phase. To be eligible, you must have reached your preservation age, which is currently between 55 and 60, depending on your birth year.

Benefits of a TTR Strategy

A TTR strategy offers numerous benefits, including financial flexibility and a continued income stream. By drawing a pension from your super while still working, you can reduce work hours without compromising your income. This strategy also allows for a smoother adjustment to retirement, both financially and emotionally.

How to Set Up a TTR Pension

Setting up a TTR pension involves a few critical steps. First, contact your super fund to confirm your eligibility and learn about their specific process. You will need to convert a portion of your super into a pension account, ensuring you meet any minimum or maximum drawdown requirements. Choosing the right fund that offers competitive fees and robust investment options is essential.

Balancing Work and Retirement

A TTR strategy allows you to reduce your work hours and supplement your income with superannuation withdrawals. This balance can ease the transition to full retirement, providing a gradual shift rather than an abrupt change. It’s a great way to maintain a sense of purpose and stay engaged while enjoying more leisure time.

Tax Advantages

One of the significant benefits of a TTR strategy is the tax advantage. If you are over 60, any income you draw from your superannuation is tax-free. For those aged 55-59, the income drawn is taxed at a concessional rate, which can result in substantial tax savings compared to regular income.

Maximising Your Super Fund

To maximise the benefits of your super fund during the TTR phase, consider your investment options carefully. A balanced approach that aligns with your risk tolerance and retirement goals is crucial. Regular reviews and adjustments to your investment strategy can help maintain the growth of your super balance, ensuring it lasts throughout your retirement.

Contribution Strategies During TTR

Even while drawing a TTR pension, you can continue to contribute to your super. Strategies like salary sacrifice, where you divert a portion of your pre-tax salary into super, can help boost your retirement savings. Additionally, non-concessional contributions, which are made from after-tax income, can further enhance your super balance.

Potential Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

While a TTR strategy offers many benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential pitfalls. Understanding the limits on how much you can draw down each year and how this impacts your long-term super balance is crucial. Careful planning and regular reviews with a financial adviser can help avoid these pitfalls.

Real-Life Case Studies

Consider the case of Jane, who at age 60 decided to reduce her work hours and supplement her income with a Transition to Retirement (TTR) pension. Jane has a superannuation balance that allows her to draw a pension, and she aims to contribute up to the concessional cap of $30,000 per year to her super while maintaining her lifestyle. Let’s explore how Jane manages her income, contributions, and taxes over five years.

Jane’s Financial Setup

  • Annual income: $100,000
  • Superannuation balance: Sufficient to draw a pension
  • TTR pension: $20,000 per year
  • Salary sacrifice: $20,000 per year into superannuation (pre-tax)
  • Additional super contributions: $10,000 per year (to meet the $30,000 cap)

Yearly Financial Plan

  1. Income and Contributions

Jane’s effective income for living expenses is:

    • Salary after sacrifice: $80,000
    • Plus TTR pension: $20,000
    • Total: $100,000
  1. Tax Savings and Super Contributions

By salary sacrificing $20,000, Jane reduces her taxable income from $100,000 to $80,000. This $20,000 is taxed at 15% within the super fund, which is significantly lower than her marginal tax rate.

    • Tax on $20,000 salary sacrifice: $20,000 * 15% = $3,000
    • Net salary sacrifice contribution to super: $20,000 – $3,000 = $17,000

Jane also makes an additional $10,000 non-concessional contribution from her after-tax income, which does not attract further tax upon contribution.

Her total annual super contribution is:

    • Salary sacrifice (net): $17,000
    • Additional contribution: $10,000
    • Employer Super Guarantee (assuming 10.5% of $80,000): $8,400
    • Total super contribution: $35,400

Financial Impact Over Five Years

Let’s calculate Jane’s super balance growth over five years, assuming a 7% annual return on her superannuation investments.

  1. Year 1:
    • Initial Super Balance: Assume $500,000
    • Contributions: $35,400
    • Investment Return: ($500,000 + $35,400) * 7% = $37,478
    • End of Year Balance: $500,000 + $35,400 + $37,478 = $572,878
  2. Year 2:
    • Contributions: $35,400
    • Investment Return: ($572,878 + $35,400) * 7% = $42,565
    • End of Year Balance: $572,878 + $35,400 + $42,565 = $650,843
  3. Year 3:
    • Contributions: $35,400
    • Investment Return: ($650,843 + $35,400) * 7% = $47,606
    • End of Year Balance: $650,843 + $35,400 + $47,606 = $733,849
  4. Year 4:
    • Contributions: $35,400
    • Investment Return: ($733,849 + $35,400) * 7% = $53,851
    • End of Year Balance: $733,849 + $35,400 + $53,851 = $823,100
  5. Year 5:
    • Contributions: $35,400
    • Investment Return: ($823,100 + $35,400) * 7% = $60,692
    • End of Year Balance: $823,100 + $35,400 + $60,692 = $919,192

Summary of Financial Benefits

By the end of five years, Jane has successfully grown her superannuation balance from an initial $500,000 to approximately $919,192, thanks to consistent contributions and a 7% return. Her effective strategy includes:

  • Tax Savings: Jane saves on taxes by salary sacrificing $20,000 annually, reducing her taxable income and benefiting from the 15% concessional tax rate on super contributions.
  • Maintaining Income: The $20,000 annual pension drawdown from her super ensures she maintains her income level despite working fewer hours.
  • Super Growth: Regular contributions and prudent investment within her super fund significantly boost her retirement savings, setting her up for a financially secure retirement.

Lessons Learned

Jane’s case illustrates the practical benefits of a TTR strategy. By balancing reduced work hours, strategic super contributions, and pension drawdowns, she maintains her lifestyle while enhancing her super balance. This approach highlights the importance of timing, strategic planning, and ongoing management of superannuation contributions, ensuring a smooth transition to full retirement with financial stability.

Transitioning to retirement with a well-planned superannuation strategy can provide financial stability and peace of mind. By understanding the benefits, setting up a TTR pension, and seeking professional advice, you can ensure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Start planning today to take control of your financial future and enjoy the retirement you deserve.

Seeking Professional Advice

Engaging a financial adviser can provide tailored advice and strategies to maximise the benefits of your TTR strategy. An experienced adviser can help navigate the complexities of superannuation, tax implications, and investment choices, ensuring your transition to retirement is as smooth and financially secure as possible.

Transitioning to retirement with a well-planned superannuation strategy can provide financial stability and peace of mind. By understanding the benefits, setting up a TTR pension, and seeking professional advice, you can ensure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Start planning today to take control of your financial future and enjoy the retirement you deserve.  Get in contact with Toowoomba Financial Advisers Wealth Factory today.