What is a non concessional contribution?

What is a non concessional contribution

A non concessional contribution is a payment you make into your super account from after-tax income. This means the money you use has already been taxed at your marginal tax rate. Non concessional contributions can be made by anyone under 75 years of age at any time in a financial year and you may be able to make non concessional contributions of up to three times the annual non concessional cap in that financial year. Making higher contributions can boost your retirement savings, but it’s important to understand the rules before doing so. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what non concessional contributions are and how they work. 

Retirement savings question

What is a non concessional contributions?

A non concessional contribution is a personal contribution that you make to your superannuation fund from your after-tax income.

If you are looking to increase the amount of money in your superannuation, then a non concessional contribution is one of the most effective ways to do just that. Making these types of contributions means investing personal income into your fund from your after-tax earnings. It provides you with a tax-effective way to grow your retirement savings, giving you more financial security for when you leave the workforce. Non concessional contributions are an excellent way to start preparing for life after work, so don’t be afraid to make them today.

Non concessional contributions cap

If you’re looking to make the most out of your current financial situation and establish a retirement fund, making non concessional contributions may be the answer. For the financial year 2023-2024, you can contribute up to $110,000 per financial year if you are below 75 or $330,000 over a three-year period – giving you access to really jumpstart your retirement portfolio. You may visit the ATO website for more information about non concessional contributions cap. It’s worth noting that if you intend to make non concessional contributions, it’s best to not exceed this cap as extra tax will apply in some instances. So do your research and don’t hesitate to seek advice from a qualified professional when deciding which route is best for you.

Gold piggy bank and gold coins

Income and growth on the money you contribute

If you’re smart about the contributions you make financially, one of the smartest moves would be to put your money in a tax-sheltered account, where it will only be taxed at 15%. That’s lower than what most people are paying in their marginal tax rate – something that could really make a difference in your financial situation. Setting up these accounts is easy and can help you save thousands of dollars year after year. Knowing more about the money you save by contributing to a tax-sheltered account should make you feel smarter and more secure with each passing day.

What is the benefit of non concessional contributions?

Non concessional contributions can be an effective way to add to your retirement savings and bolster your nest egg for the future. However, the Australian Government places strict limits on these contributions that you should take into account when considering how much to add to your superannuation. Make sure that you understand all the conditions associated with non concessional contributions so that you don’t accidentally contravene any regulations and potentially incur a fee or fine. Maximising your retirement savings doesn’t have to be complicated – non concessional contributions are just one part of the puzzle that could help set you up for a comfortable life in retirement.

Group of seniors spending retirement days

The Importance of Non Concessional Contributions

Non concessional contributions are an important component of the Australian superannuation system and have helped countless Australians secure a comfortable retirement. As a professional, the idea of retirement may not seem especially urgent to you. But don’t ignore these contributions – investing regularly at earlier rather than later stages in your career helps compound returns on your accounts and can make all the difference as you approach an age where you’re less likely to be earning sizable incomes. Don’t take my word for it – make sure you speak with a financial advisor and develop an investment strategy that suits your individual needs. That way you can be sure that any non concessional contributions you make are being used in the best way possible towards securing your retirement!

In conclusion, a non concessional contribution in Australia refers to money that is invested into a superannuation fund without receiving any tax concessions. These contributions can be made by individuals who are under the age of 75, and are a great way to boost your retirement savings. If you have any questions about non concessional contributions or how to make them, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.