Personal Financial Management Plan

Personal Financial Management Plan

It’s true, isn’t it? The complexities of the investment, taxation, home loan, and insurance industries have compounded greatly over the past years. That’s why much of our time at Wealth Factory is spent on continuing education and study so that we can pass on these changes and how they affect you, our client, in your own personal situation.

We believe that the key to prudent personal financial management planning is to conduct regular reviews of our clients’ investment and superannuation portfolios, and, of course, a review of their overall financial planning requirements. 

It also provides you with an excellent opportunity to discuss issues such as how you can:

  • Review your super policies and potentially re-invest them into a more appropriate investment strategy. (Streamline, increase returns, save fees)
  • Look for ways to increase returns on your hard-earned dollars in a safe, secure, diversified environment.
  • And of course, look at the performance of your existing investments and how the markets have been performing in recent times.

Create your personal financial management plan

As a financial adviser, I honestly believe that it is my job to maintain regular contact with you and provide you with the ongoing service and advice that you deserve. Isn’t that what you expect from your financial adviser?

I urge you to ring or call the office to make an appointment at a time convenient for you.