
Can I use my super as a house deposit?

Miniature house with keys and paper.

Do you dream of owning your own home but, the thought of gathering a large house deposit is keeping you awake at night? If so, have no fear – help is here! We’re going to explore whether using superannuation as a house deposit could be an option for Australians wanting to secure their financial future. Let’s get into it and see what this potential life-changing decision could mean for those dreaming of owning their own property soon.

Can I use my super as a house deposit?

The Superannuation First Home Saver Scheme (SFHSS) is an attractive offer for first home buyers. It offers first-time homeowners the chance to save money for their first home using their superannuation accounts, allowing them to access certain government contributions. 

The scheme enables first home buyers to make extra before-tax contributions into their super fund over a set amount of time, allowing them to accumulate savings interest towards a first home deposit. 

You should ask your financial services provider how this Scheme can assist you in purchasing your first home – don’t miss out!

How does the superannuation first home saver scheme work?

The Superannuation First Home Saver Scheme (SFHSS) is designed to help Australians save money and build up a deposit on their first home. The Scheme offers the opportunity to access concessional taxation treatment on contributions towards a first home and income earned from investments made within the SFHSS account, making it an attractive saving option for aspiring homeowners. 

Contributions are taxed at only 15% rather than a taxpayer’s marginal rate, so savers can benefit from long-term investment growth, with funds able to be withdrawn for a nominated purpose once eligibility criteria have been satisfied – making it much easier for individuals and couples to reach that exciting goal of purchasing their own property.

Who can use the superannuation first home saver scheme?

The Australian Government’s Superannuation First Home Saver Scheme is the perfect way to save for your first home. The scheme is designed for new home savers, enabling them to make regular contributions toward a deposit. Those eligible include those who have not previously had an interest in a residential property and are 18 years of age or over. Contributions made to the scheme from earnings will be taxed at a lower rate – giving you even more incentive to reach that dream of homeownership. 

So why not give it a go? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Wooden miniature house and coins.

Benefits of using the superannuation first home saver scheme?

The superannuation first home saver scheme is an excellent way to save for the purchase of a first home. Not only can you save money on taxes, but you can have peace of mind knowing that your future abode’s financial burden has been lessened. With higher contribution caps than traditional savings accounts, you’ll be achieving your homeownership goals faster while also taking advantage of potential employer-matching contributions. 

In addition to other benefits such as early withdrawals and business insurances, this simple investment strategy provides an amazing opportunity to save for a first home in an efficient and manageable way.

Gray-colored house.

How to use your superannuation for a house deposit?

Want to take the first step towards your first-home dream? Consider using a superannuation first home saver scheme. With this clever — and tax effective — financial instrument you can save for a house deposit from your pre-tax salary, allowing you to grow your slice of the property pie faster than would otherwise be possible. It works like this: Contributions are taxed concessionally at 15%, meaning more of your money goes where it’s needed most! Not only does this provide more buying power down the line — on top of subsidised borrowing rates that come with being a first home buyer — but it could potentially build your life skills by teaching you valuable lessons in budgeting and saving. 

What are you waiting for? Take advantage of this smart tool today as you work towards building your financial future.

Things to consider when using your superannuation for a house deposit

When considering how best to use the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme, there are a few important things to remember. 

Firstly, it’s essential to be aware of your super fund’s processes – from contributions and eligibility criteria, to when you can actually withdraw funds

Secondly, check if stamp duty reductions apply in your state – you may be eligible for discounts or exemptions on transfer duties with the FHSS scheme. 

Finally, don’t forget that interest rates remain subject to change – be sure to review any loan options thoroughly and budget carefully for the broader financial implications. 

Careful consideration of these areas will help ensure your FHSS experience is as smooth as possible when setting up your first home deposit.

Home key in green.

If you’re looking to buy your first home using your super fund, the Superannuation First Home Saver scheme is definitely something you should consider. It allows you to use your superannuation to help with a deposit on a property, and there are some great benefits that come along with it. 

Be sure to do your research and understand how it works before making any decisions, but if you think it could be right for you then get in touch with Wealth Factory today. We’d love to discuss your options and help you make the best decision for your future.