Stacked up coins with a wooden miniature house.

How does equity release work?

In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of equity release, answering the question: "How does equity release work?" 
Senior man wearing a black hat with a clock and a signage that says what's next.

What happens to your SMSF when you retire?

In this blog post, we will demystify the process and provide you with the essential information you need to navigate the transition from your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) to retirement.
ESG investing.

What is sustainable investing?

In today's rapidly changing world, sustainable investing has emerged as a powerful approach to aligning financial goals with positive environmental and social impact. If you've ever wondered what sustainable investing is all about, you're in the right place. 
A row of red bicycles for rent.

How much can I borrow from SMSF?

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of SMSF borrowing and shed light on questions such as whether you can borrow money from your SMSF, the rules and limitations surrounding SMSF borrowing, and the pros and cons you should consider before making such a financial decision.
A retired woman staring out of a window with concerns.

What do retirees worry about?

In this blog post, we will explore the common worries that retirees have and delve into the topic of common retirement planning mistakes that people make.
A person showing the calculation of the capital gains tax to the other person.

How to reduce capital gains tax when selling a property?

Are you planning to sell a property in Australia? If so, it's essential to be aware of capital gains tax (CGT) and how it can impact your financial outcome. 
A group of dice with different colors.

How does debt consolidation work?

If you're struggling with multiple debts and finding it difficult to keep up with various payments, debt consolidation could be the solution you've been looking for.
A person is using a spreadsheet to calculate the impact of interest rates on inflation.

How do interest rates affect inflation?

Understanding the connection between interest rates and inflation is vital for individuals, businesses, and policymakers.
A senior man employed in the textile industry.

Can I retire then go back to work?

In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of retiring and returning to work in Australia. We will address several key questions to help you gain a better understanding of this evolving trend.
Sale cards.

Should I claim a deduction for personal super contributions?

In this blog post, we'll explore the topic of claiming a deduction for personal super contributions and help you determine whether it's the right choice for you.