Blurred portrait of a man.

What is trauma insurance?

This blog post will explain what trauma insurance covers, who should consider it and tips on how best to get the right coverage tailored specifically for your needs.  Read on to learn more about one of Australia's key life insurance products meant exclusively for individuals affected by critical illnesses or injuries!
Two hands protecting a PWD signage.

What is TPD insurance?

If you're considering TPD insurance as an option or simply want to know more about it, then read on! You will learn everything including how much cover is necessary - what are the different types of cover - how and when benefits can be claimed – and any complications associated with filing claims.
Property Investment.

Is investment property worth it?

In this blog post, we'll analyse all angles of investment property so that you can make an informed decision about whether real estate should be included as part of your financial portfolio.
Superannuation planning kit with pen and calculator.

How to set up a self managed super fund?

Setting up an SMSF isn't as easy at it might sound. This blog post will summarise the key steps involved including necessary documents, starting payments, and overall costs.
Senior man using an ATM machine to withdraw money.

How much super can I withdraw after 60?

In this post, we'll look at some tips and strategies that will help maximise your access to superannuation funds over the course of your retirement. Read on for more information about how much super money can be taken out after turning 60.
Tiny house attached to a key.

How to pay off mortgage faster?

In this blog post, we will explore how to pay off your mortgage quicker and smarter through budgeting, making lump payments and refinancing options. Let’s start taking advantage of the many financial opportunities available, so you don’t have to stress out about paying off your loan any longer!
How much is enough and a silhouette of a man.

How much can I put into super?

This blog post aims to provide clarity on how much you can contribute annually or over a lifetime towards your super balance in order to maximise your retirement savings and reap all the benefits that come with being a savvy investor! Keep reading to find out more!
Balancing debt and income.

How is debt to income ratio calculated?

In this blog post we'll provide an overview of what a debt to income (DTI) ratio is and explain how it's calculated. Read on if gaining control over your finances is something that interests you!
Elderly man happy on computer wife holds credit card.

How much money can you have and still get a pension?

In this blog post, we will discuss exactly how much money you can have set aside and still get some form of government pension when planning for retirement.
Happy couple buying a house.

Can super be used to buy a house?

In Australia, it's actually possible to use your super fund to purchase property. But before we dig into how this works and the benefits involved - let's explore exactly what constitutes 'superannuation' in Australia.