Personal Financial Management Plan

Personal Financial Management Plan

We believe that the key to prudent personal financial management planning is to conduct regular reviews of our clients’ investment and superannuation portfolios, and, of course, a review of their overall financial planning requirements. 
A logo of AIOFP.

AIOFP Video – state of the financial advice industry

As a member of the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP), we are sharing this video that they produced outlining the state of the financial advice industry in Australia.
Superannuation the greatest tax avoidance tool.

Superannuation – The greatest tax avoidance tool

I'm okay paying tax, but as Kerry Packer famously said, "Of course I am minimising my tax." And if anybody in this country doesn't minimise their tax, they want their heads read because, as a government, I can tell you that you are not spending it that well, that we should be donating extra."
2020-21 Australia Federal Budget Overview

2020-21 Australia Federal Budget Overview

Australia Federal Budget Overview for 2020-2021.
Boost your income.

The New Income Protection Rules in Australia

Do you rely on working and earning an income? Do you have family and loved ones that rely on you and who depend on you to provide an income for them? If you said "yes" to any of these questions, then you need to act now!
Transfer Balance Cap

Transfer Balance Cap Australia Explained

The government introduced a Transfer Balance Cap (TBC) in July 2017, which effectively limits the total amount of superannuation available to be transferred into a tax-free retirement phase pension.
Written paper and a flower.

Let your will legal document speak for you

When you're here to supervise your worldly affairs, you can ensure your voice and current wishes are heard and heeded. But what happens when you're no longer here? What voice will be heard? While the will remains the centerpiece of estate planning, there are additional tools you may not be aware of.
Could a Tree Change Work For You

Things to Consider When Making a Tree Change

Now that working from home is the norm, an increasing number of people are considering relocating to the countryside to enjoy the fresh air. If you're going to uproot your entire life and relocate to a small town, there are a few things you should think about first.
Record Housing Loan Commitments Continue

Record Housing Loan Commitments Continue

In December 2020, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported that new loan commitments continued to soar and break records, driven by owner-occupier home loans and first home buyers. 
Covid Vaccine

The Autumn season 2021 update is here!

For many, the uncertainties of last year have caused a shift in priorities, and the lure of escaping the cities for more idyllic country lifestyle is tempting. In this edition we take a look at some key considerations when contemplating a tree change.
Gamestop Store

Gamestop – What is happening on Wall Street?

What is GameStop and what on earth does it have to do with us in Australia? GameStop Corp is an American video game, consumer electronics, and gaming merchandise retailer.