
When should you change super funds?

Super funds, also known as superannuation funds, play a crucial role in building a comfortable retirement nest egg. In this blog post, we’ll break down the process of changing super funds and help you decide whether it’s the right move for you.

Is it good to change super funds?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Don’t fix what isn’t broken.” But when it comes to your super fund, there are times when change might actually be a good thing. Let’s explore the pros and cons of changing super funds, so you can decide whether it’s a wise move for you.

Benefits of changing super funds

Imagine finding a pair of shoes that fits perfectly and feels incredibly comfortable. Well, changing super funds can have that same feeling of finding the right fit for your financial future.

Better investment options

Some super funds offer a wider range of investment options, allowing you to tailor your portfolio to your risk tolerance and financial goals. This could mean potentially higher returns over time.

Lower fees and charges

Just like comparing prices before making a purchase, changing super funds could lead to lower fees and charges. Over the long term, these savings can add up and leave more money in your retirement kitty.

Improved customer service

Switching to a fund with top-notch customer service can make managing your super a breeze. Prompt responses to your queries and expert guidance can make a real difference in your experience.

Alignment with changing goals

Your financial aspirations might evolve over time. If your current fund isn’t keeping up with your changing goals, it might be time to explore new options that better suit your needs.

Drawbacks of changing super funds

Change, however, isn’t without its challenges. Here are some things to consider before you make the leap:

Exit fees or penalties

Some super funds might impose exit fees or penalties for leaving before a certain period. It’s important to weigh these costs against the potential benefits of switching.

Disruption to investment strategy

Changing super funds means moving your investments, which could disrupt your current investment strategy. Be prepared to review and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Loss of insurance coverage

Many super funds offer insurance coverage, such as life insurance or income protection. When you switch funds, you might lose these coverages. Assess whether the new fund provides similar insurance or if you need to make alternative arrangements.

Changing super funds isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. It’s crucial to assess your individual circumstances and financial goals. If you find that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and align with your long-term plans, then exploring new super fund options could be a smart move.

Transfering the golf balls from the basket to the bag.

Is it hard to change super funds?

Thinking about changing your super fund might feel like taking on a complicated puzzle. But fear not! We’re here to unravel the process and help you understand if changing super funds is as tricky as it seems.

The process

Changing super funds might sound intimidating, but it’s actually a well-trodden path. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to change super funds:

Research and compare

Start by researching different super funds. Look into their performance, fees, investment options, and customer reviews. Comparing funds will give you a clearer picture of what’s available. Usually, it takes 1 to 2 weeks (or longer, depending on research depth) to research and compare super funds. Take your time researching different super funds to find the one that suits you best. This step is critical, as making an informed decision is key.

Select a new fund

Once you’ve found a fund that aligns with your goals, it’s time to make the switch. Normally, it takes 1 to 2 hours to select a new fund. Once you’ve selected a super fund, the application process can be quite quick. Many super funds have online applications that streamline the process. 

Paperwork or online application

Completing the necessary paperwork or online application is usually straightforward. Provide the required information, and your new fund will guide you through the process. It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks to prepare some paperwork or process your application. If you need to fill out paper forms or provide additional documentation, this step might extend the timeline slightly.

Notify your employer

If you’re switching due to a change in employment, let your new employer know about the change. They’ll need to make contributions to your new fund instead of the old one.

Transfer of funds

Your new super fund will help facilitate the transfer of your existing funds from your old fund. They’ll communicate with the old fund to ensure a seamless transition. The time it takes to transfer funds is around 2 to 6 weeks. This is where the bulk of the time is spent. Your new super fund coordinates with your old fund to transfer your funds. This process can take a few weeks due to administrative procedures.

Factors that influence timing

Administrative processing

Administrative procedures can add some time to the transfer process, but they’re necessary to ensure a smooth transition.

Communication between funds

The speed of communication between your old and new super funds can impact the duration.

Investment liquidation

If your old fund has investments that need to be liquidated before transferring, it might take a bit longer.

It’s important to note that patience is key during this process. While it might take a few weeks to complete the switch, keep in mind that you’re making a decision that will impact your long-term financial future. Taking the time to make an informed choice is well worth it.

Ease of transfer

The transfer process itself is designed to be as smooth as possible. While the duration can vary, modern technology has streamlined these procedures. Thanks to electronic communication, funds can be transferred relatively quickly.

Minimising challenges

While changing super funds isn’t inherently difficult, there are a few tips to make it even smoother:

Keep records

Maintain records of all communication and documentation throughout the process.

Seek guidance

Reach out to your new fund’s customer service if you have questions or need assistance.

Patience is key

Understand that administrative processes take time. Be patient while your funds make their way to the new home.

Changing super funds isn’t as hard as it might seem. It’s more about careful planning and ensuring you have the right information at your fingertips. 

Person paying using smartwatch.

How often can you change super funds?

Curious about how frequently you can switch your super fund? Good news: there’s no hard and fast rule dictating how often you can change your super fund. The decision ultimately rests in your hands, but there are some important things to consider.

Factors to consider

Changing super funds is a significant decision that warrants careful thought and consideration. Let’s dive into the key factors you should keep in mind when making the switch, ensuring that your new fund aligns seamlessly with your financial goals.

Investment performance and options

Look at the historical performance of potential new funds. Analyse how their investments have performed over different market conditions. Consider funds that offer a variety of investment options. Diversification can help manage risk and potentially lead to better returns.

Fees and charges

Compare the fee structures of different funds. Look beyond just the management fee – consider additional costs such as administration and transaction fees. Lower fees can mean more money in your pocket, but make sure you’re not compromising on essential services.

Insurance coverage

Assess the insurance coverage provided by both your current and potential new fund. Ensure that the new fund offers insurance that meets your needs.

Customer service and support

Research the reputation of potential funds for customer service. Good customer support can make managing your super smoother.

Fund reputation and stability

Investigate the reputation and history of potential funds. A well-established and reputable fund often indicates stability and reliability.

Aligning with financial goals

Consider how well your current fund aligns with your long-term financial goals. If there’s a mismatch, changing funds could be beneficial.

Exit fees and penalties

Understand any exit fees or penalties associated with leaving your current fund. Compare these costs against the potential benefits of switching.

Insurance transfer and continuity

If you have insurance coverage with your current fund, ensure that the new fund offers similar coverage before making the switch.

Investment strategy disruption

Changing funds might disrupt your investment strategy. Be prepared to review and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Professional advice

If you’re unsure about any aspect of changing super funds, consider seeking advice from a financial professional. They can provide tailored guidance based on your situation.

Changing super funds isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. Each person’s financial situation is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Take the time to thoroughly research and weigh the pros and cons.

When to consider changing

Subpar investment performance

If your current super fund consistently underperforms compared to similar funds over a significant period, it might be time to explore other options.

High fees and charges

Excessive fees can eat into your retirement savings. If you’re paying substantially higher fees than what’s considered reasonable, it might be worth considering a switch.

Changing life circumstances

Major life changes, such as marriage, starting a family, or a new job, could impact your financial goals. If your current fund doesn’t align with these changes, a switch might be beneficial.

Limited investment options

If your current fund offers limited investment options that don’t align with your risk tolerance or financial goals, exploring funds with more diverse options might be a wise move.

Dissatisfactory customer service

If you’re finding it challenging to get timely and helpful responses from your current fund’s customer service, it might be a sign that a fund with better customer support is worth considering.

Your fund's reputation is at stake

If your current fund’s reputation becomes tarnished due to poor management or performance, it could be a strong signal to look for more reliable options.

Aligning with long-term goals

If your financial goals change over time, ensuring that your super fund is still aligned with those goals is crucial. A new fund that better suits your aspirations might be a better fit.

Exit fees vs. potential benefits

Assess the potential benefits of switching against any exit fees or penalties imposed by your current fund. If the benefits outweigh the costs, a change might be worthwhile.

Regular review and assessment

Make it a habit to regularly review and assess your super fund’s performance, fees, and services. This ongoing evaluation will help you identify when a change could be beneficial.

Seek professional advice

If you’re unsure whether changing super funds is the right move, consider seeking advice from a financial professional. Their expertise can guide you in making an informed decision.

Deciding when to change your super fund is a pivotal question in your financial journey. 

People transferring the plant to the clay pot.

Remember, your super fund isn’t just a financial account—it’s your ticket to a comfortable future. By understanding the factors that influence your decision to switch, you’re better equipped to make choices that align with your aspirations and financial goals.