Investment Risk Management and Asset Allocation

Investment Risk Management

Volatility in the financial markets is nothing new. Asset prices have always experienced ups and downs, and there will always be risks inherent in investing. However, it's important to remember that investing is a long-term play and the investment risk management is key.
Importance of Record Keeping in Small Business

Importance of Record Keeping in Small Business

According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), poor record-keeping is a common reason for the failure of small businesses. In addition to being a legal requirement, maintaining accurate records can have numerous financial benefits.
What rising inflation means for you.

What rising inflation means for you

The word “inflation” has been largely ignored by a whole generation until now. The Reserve Bank of Australia predicts that our underlying inflation will rise to around 6% in the second half of 2022. But what is inflation and how does it impact you?
What will a labor win mean for markets.

What will a labor win mean for markets?

The Labor’s election victory marks the end of the Coalition’s almost decade long reign. Regardless of the election outcome, the bigger question will be being able to govern effectively in a world of higher inflation and interest rates.
Alarm clock and stacked coins.

How to Save More Money for Retirement?

Are you looking for ways on how to save more money for retirement but don't know where to start? You're not alone! In this post, we'll outline some tips for how to save money when you retire in Australia.
Need help with tax planning.

Tax Planning: Forward Planning Reaps Rewards

The tax planning is the process of arranging your affairs in such a way as to minimise your tax liability. It involves looking at both your current situation and anticipating any changes that may occur in the future.
Old couple using a tablet while sitting on a couch.

Your Retirement Planning Checklist 2022

Imagine a world where we can finally quit working — where we don't have to go to work every day but still get paid. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? All it takes is a well-thought-out retirement planning strategy tailored to your specific requirements.
Five proven ways to decrease taxes.

Five Proven Ways to Decrease Taxes

Benjamin Franklin's famous quote, "In this world, nothing can be said to certainly exist, except death and taxes," is just as true today as when it was first said. The only thing that has changed over the years when it comes to taxes is the taxation law-with so many options available.